

An interview is a meeting between two or more people whose main aim is to test the suitability of a candidate in case they wish to hire in a company to interrogate and confirm that whoever is selected is the best person for the job that needs to be done.

Below is a list of 7 most common interview questions.

  1. Tell us about yourself.

The human resource manager is enquiring about the academic qualifications, the years of experience and what the prospects that the candidate has regarding career growth.

The candidate needs to ensure that he explains well about the work experience and how he has excelled regarding education and prove that he fully qualifies for the job as specified.

  1. What is your three-year projection from now?

The recruiting manager wants to understand the long-term goals of the candidate, and the career path should be definite, and as such the candidate need to prove to the employer that his career path is in line with what the employer is offering and not for his gain.

  1. What motivates you to forge ahead with work?

The interviewer in this instance wants to understand if this candidate is self-driven and the interviewee should respond to his intentions to join hands and teamwork for profit maximization of the company. A strong candidate should not mention of motivation through material things.

  1. Tell us about your greatest weakness

The question is to test the candidate if he understands himself better and the response that is expected of the candidate is to give an example of improving the data presentation skills for better reporting.

  1. A trivia question can like; how many colors does a rainbow have? The answer should be 7.

It should be an automatic question and would enable the candidate to relax as the interview continues. It would form a ground for examining if the candidate can be able to accommodate pressure within the organization and the outside environment.

  1. A funny meme in an interview; Imagine one of the laziest colleagues in office comes to the office and cries foul of how hard the work he is given, show us your facial reactions towards such a staff? In this instance, the candidate ought to prove that he is pissed off by such words and express with the real face attitude.

Finally, the interviewer may ask how text messages may be answered, and the expectations are that the messages should respond should be short and to the point, and should be solved during working hours.