In a C section delivery an incision takes place through the uterus and the abdomen rather than the vagina. Where did caesarean section get its name and Julius Caesar is credited for this as it was supposed that he was the first man born by this method. Of late the number of births taking place by this method has increased at a massive level. Though what it would mean is that 1 out of 4 women are delivered by this method. With any surgical procedure there are risks involved. Clearly understand the benefits along with risks before you opt for this procedure. A proper discussion with your health care provider would educate you about the facts and help you to take an informed decision.
Complications along with risks for a would be mother
Considering the fact that most type of C section deliveries would be associated with an abdominal surgery
- Infection- this takes place at the site of incision, in the pelvic organs and uterus even the bladder
- Haemorrhage and increase in blood loss- in comparison to a vaginal delivery there is more loss in case of a C section delivery. This could pave way for blood transfusion as out of 6 women 1 of them require a blood transfusion
- Internal injury to organs like a bladder or bowel can take place
- Adhesions- from the pelvic region scar tissue can arise, causing pain and blockage. The adhesions could pave way for future complications such as placenta abruption or placenta previa.
- Duration of stay- once a C section takes place the duration of hospital stay is longer. In cases of a vaginal delivery you need to stay at a maximum of 3 to 5 days. This can be one of the reasons for C section name emerging as well.
- Recovery time- the time duration to recover from a C section delivery is longer as it can range from weeks to months. The extended period of recovery could have effects on the bonding time with the baby.
- A negative reaction to medications might occur- a negative reaction to anaesthesia might occur once you provide medication after the procedure
- There does exists a possibility for the need for additional form of surgeries which could even point to the occurrence of another C section delivery
- The mortality levels of a C section delivery is on the higher side than a normal delivery
- Emotional triggers can be experienced .For women who had a C section delivery they could feel negative about their birthing experience and may face internal issues to bond with the baby.
Try to discuss with your doctor before a C section is suggested. You need to clearly understand the reasons on why such a procedure has been suggested in the first place. In your particular situation you could ask for alternate treatments. Just ask your health care provider to do an evaluation of all the risks and complications of this form of delivery for both the mother and the baby.