
Peter Loftin – What you need to know about him


Peter Loftin has a remarkable life and has established quite a lot through his deeds both for commercial purpose and also for the purpose of philanthropy. A resident of North Carolina, Loftin founded BTI or Business Telecom Inc. which is a business firm based in North Carolina. He took the company to new heights as a result of which in 1999 an independent research group, New Paradigm Resources ranked BTI as the 7th best local exchange carriers.

His contribution towards BTI

The Business Telecom Inc. to which he was also the Chairman of the board of directors, was also deemed as the nation’s superior telecommunication companies. It ranked among the top 15 telecom companies in the United States. As a result of what he did for BTI, the Business North Carolina Magazine named him the North Carolina Entrepreneur of the Year. This was a feather in the cap of Peter Loftin for whom this was just the beginning of his establishments. The magazine recognized and rewarded him for his contribution to the BTI which was scaling new heights in the business. All of this happened during his service as a Chairman of the organization.

The Casa Casuarina

Peter Loftin has always been a major supporter of arts and post selling a portion of BTI shares he began encouraging arts without any boundary. He bought the Casa Casuarina in 2000 and has used for various charitable purposes only after restoring it. The venue has never been used for personal purpose though it is one of the most magnificent South Beach private clubs. With a keen eye and interest in restoration, Loftin transformed Casa Casuarina into a high-profile boutique hotel and club which entertains guests for the purpose of social service. Casa Casuarina is the former Miami Beach Mansion of Gianni Versace which Peter restored to its full glory.

His overall contribution to the society

Peter Loftin’s biggest contribution to his community is in the form of the BTI Center for Performing Arts. This venue lies in the city of Raleigh in North Carolina and is the largest facility between Washington DC and Tampa. This imposing structure not only stands tall displaying Peter’s interest in arts but also takes pride in the largest facility in a significant area. This is just the tip of the iceberg because Peter who never gets tired of achieving new heights founded the largest new whiskey distillery of USA in the year 2016. The place is known as Bardstown Bourbon. As the name suggests, the place is one-of-a-kind and of course of the best too. It is the first one to ever manufacture and sell collaborative whiskey in the United States.


Peter Loftin has also left an indelible impression on people’s minds by supporting the North Carolina Museum of Science and also the Police Athletic League. He with his never ending bundle of energy, innovation and enthusiasm has also served on the national Board of Governors of the American National Red Cross. He had contributed considerably to the organization post 9/11 tragedy. It does not end here since Peter also donates a huge amount to Special Operations Fund taking care of deceased Tier 1 soldiers and also Airborne & Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville.