Hiring a tax professional is never easy when you have no idea what you should be looking for. The IRS advises individuals as well as businesses to make an informed and wise decision when selecting a Riverside tax preparer. This is because you are liable for the tax returns that you make even if the preparer makes them for you. It is critical that you make a prudent choice when hiring a professional to prepare your return. Most individuals or firms are professional and will dispense outstanding tax services. Nonetheless, it is still possible to find some that are unethical. The following pointers will help you hire the right tax expert.
Examining Qualifications and History
In compliance with new directives, tax return preparers are expected to have a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). You should determine if the preparer has the number and also find out what professional bodies they are members of. A good preparer will still be sharpening his skills by getting an extra or continual education and will have a good reputation. If you find out that they have a history that is dubious or contentious, you should not hire them. You can check their disciplinary status with the Better Business Bureau and also find out if they have the relevant qualifications and licensing from different bodies.
Ask about Fees and Filling
If a Riverside tax preparer wants to charge you based on a percentage of your refunds, do not work with them. Do not hire them if they insist that they can procure larger refunds than other preparers. Never get duped into allowing any refunds to be made in the name of the preparer. All refunds must be deposited in your name. Electronic filing has largely been quite successful since it was introduced in 1990. A good preparer will opt for electronic filing unless you choose to do it manually with paper. Besides, if a preparer handles more than 10 clients, they are required to do so electronically, unless you opt for a paper filing. It helps to know that your preparer is reachable and if you’d require them after the due date of the filing. In case anything arises, they will be available.
Documentation is Important
Ensure that all your documents are in order and make all records and receipts that are required for your returns available. If your preparer is credible, they will want to view your records and receipts. They will also interrogate you to get the right information about your entire income and what you qualify for. They will also want to determine your expenses, deductions and any other relevant information. If a preparer want to file your returns electronically and you have not obtained form W-2, do not work with them because they are going against the e-file regulations of the IRS. Do not work with a preparer who wants you to sign a blank tax form. You must go through the return completely and discuss with the preparer, to your satisfaction, if you have doubts or questions. Do not sign the return unless you comprehend everything and are convinced of its veracity. If you are requested to sign a blank return, never agree to do that. Once you find the return agreeable, you must sign it and ensure that the Riverside tax preparer has also signed it. His Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) must be attached as well because this is what the law requires. While his signature will appear on the return, you are still held liable for the accuracy of the return.