
How to Become a Mountaineer

How to Become a Mountaineer

If you would like to become involved in mountaineering, you should consider doing some endurance and strength training first. This will give you the opportunity to have a strong grip but also to become more balanced. People like Greg Lindae, a venture capitalist and private equity investor, have found that mountaineering is a great way to get them out of the office and to, for once, not be solely focuses on finances and the “next big deal”. It is a great way to balance not just the body, but also the mind, in other words. However, this is only true if it is done right.

Mountaineering and Finances

Lindae believes that mountaineering is the physical expression of his job. It is one filled with risks and, if a risk is poorly calculated, it could quite literally mean the end. It is also one in which every eventuality must be considered, and where considerable skill and strength is required. Finally, it is one that relies not just a little bit on luck. But mainly, both mountaineering and working as a private equity investor are high-thrill things to do.

What Is Mountaineering?

Mountaineering is classed as an extreme sport. Enthusiasts travel the world to find new mountains and rocks to climb. It is very important that each trip is memorable, but also that it is safe. In fact, safety is the number one priority. This is particularly true because most mountaineers go on their own. This is what sets the sport apart from simply hiking up a mountain with a group of friends.

Lindae has developed a number of tips that he believes are important for any aspiring mountaineer to be aware of:

  • Mountaineers must be strong of mind and body.
  • Nobody should mountaineer without understanding the techniques and tools.
  • The sport requires a very healthy dosage of respect. Man has not conquered nature yet, nor will man ever. It is important to remember that you will never beat the mountain, in other words.
  • Concentration is key. Lindae recommends people engage in puzzles or other mind activities in which they can really concentrate on just one key thing.
  • Never go mountaineering without the right equipment, which includes footwear.
  • Proper clothing is hugely important. Weather conditions on mountains are often very different from those on the ground and you must be prepared for that. Furthermore, your clothing should not hamper your movements, nor should it potentially snag on rocks.
  • A first aid kit should be like a camping pack, being one that includes not just basic supplies and a compression pack for heavy bleeding, but also survival gear in case you get stuck on a mountain for some time.

Mountaineering is a fantastic sport, but it is not called an extreme sport for no good reason. Lindae believes that it is a great outlet for people like himself, who deal with tremendous stresses as part of their daily work and need to get away from things for a bit. At the same time, it should not be seen as an easy pursuit to “just do”.