Both laser and IPL are techniques used to get rid of unwanted hair, and both are used to remove hair permanently. However, there are a few differences between them. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), is a computer-based machine.
Similar to a camera’s flashbulb, it uses a bright light. This light works like a laser and for the purpose to remove unwanted hair. However, there are still many differences between these two hair removal treatments.
If you live in the Gold Coast and are looking for a long-term solution to removing your unwanted hair, London Cosmetic Clinic, are one of the top clinics that provide IPL treatments in the Gold Coast.
What are the differences in laser and IPL?
The biggest difference between laser and IPL is in the physical composition of the apparatus. For one, laser light is consistent whereas IPL is not. This means that in IPL the light waves can interfere with one another and either decrease or increase the power of the light wave.
Laser light is also collimated and monochromatic whereas IPL is not, which means that the wavelengths are the same travel and frequency in the same direction. Thus, the physical composition of lasers means that it is hard to treat a person with varying colours of hairs; whereas IPL can treat a broad range of hair colour.
IPL has the power to penetrate to various depths into the skin as it has a multitude of wavelengths. As the laser’s light is on the same wavelength, it only penetrates to the same depth with each beam and therefore has to be adjusted for each hair colour.
Is IPL more effective than laser?
Due to their wavelengths, their effectiveness differs too. Laser is limited to just hair removal whereas IPL removes facial hair or unwanted hair from any part of your body, as well as treats pigmentation on hands, chest, face and sun burnt skin.
IPL also diffuse redness found on the chest or face which is not possible with laser. Its for this reason that IPL has a wider range of uses for the cosmetic industry.
Which procedure causes the least amount of discomfort?
Another major difference between IPL and laser is the pain which you get. The pain varies from person to person; however, laser light typically gives you a little more pain than the IPL. Lasers may give you strong pinching feeling. If your hair is dark, you will experience more discomfort.
With IPL you generally feel less pain, but you still get a very light pinching feeling. This difference in pain is usually put down to the constant concentration of a wavelength hitting the same spot on the skin for a long period.
IPL treatments are considered to be quicker than laser treatments because IPL ‘heads’ are up to eight times larger than lasers and thus cover more area at a time. IPL also causes less damage to the surrounding skin than lasers.
You are more likely to be scarred (although still uncommon) with laser treatment than with IPL. Further, the risk of pigmentation to the skin after using IPL is much lower than lasers.