
Traveling From Malaga to Marbella by Bus: Brief Guide

If you are looking for Malaga to Marbella transfer details by bus, you are in the right place.

Traveling by bus is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to get from Malaga to Marbella. You will be glad to know that there is a direct bus route between the two places.

However, the bus service is not available late at night. The last bus leaves at 11:00 PM and the first bus at 6:45 AM. The good thing is that there’s a bus leaving every 30 to 60 minutes between the mentioned timing. To know more about Malaga to Marbella bus travel, read the post below.

How long does it take from Malaga to Marbella by bus?

It usually takes around 45 minutes to 1.5 hours to reach your destination. The duration will depend on the bus service you have chosen.

Some buses provide multiple stops and therefore, they take longer to complete the journey. If you are in a hurry, you should book a bus that provides only one stop. This will help you reach your destination on time.

How to get bus tickets?

There are two ways to buy bus tickets for Malaga to Marbella travel. You can either buy the tickets directly from the bus stop or get them in advance online.

We would recommend you book tickets online as it is a more convenient option. Almost all bus services have their websites where you cannot only buy tickets but also check the bus timings.

If you are traveling from Malaga to Marbella for the first time, it is obvious that you don’t know the bus timings. To avoid the hassle, you should browse the bus timetable online.

Main Bus Station In Malaga

All buses leave from the main terminal which is close to Maria Zambrano station. The main bus terminal has limited facilities. So if you want to do shopping, you will have to do it before reaching the bus terminal.

Taking a bus from Malaga to Marbella is ideal for those who like to travel during the day. Unlike other transfer options, buses are not available at the night.