
Warning Signs and Other Indicators of Elder Abuse to Watch Out For

If you have an elderly individual in your life, it is important to learn what some of the common warning signs and indicators of elder abuse are so that you can help this person if needed.  If you notice any of the warning signs explained below, be sure to speak with the elderly person and those around you in a position to help to make sure the elderly individual remains safe from harm.

Warning Signs of Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is the most common form of elder abuse.  Some indicators that someone is suffering from financial abuse include sudden changes in the elderly person’s will, missing cash, money, or other financial items, and significant withdrawals from bank or retirement accounts.  Additionally, it is important to watch out for financial transactions that would not have been possible for the elderly individual to have done on their own, such as withdrawals occurring when they were asleep or otherwise unavailable to have made the transaction on their own.

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Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse

Some common warning signs that may indicate emotional abuse include withdrawn behavior, or other depression symptoms.  You may also become aware of emotional abuse if you notice verbal abuse coming from a family member or caretaker.

Warning Signs of Physical Abuse

Common indicators of physical abuse typically involve unexplained injuries.  These injuries may include welts, bruises, scars, marks, and even broken bones.

 Warning Signs of Caregiver Neglect

 Signs of caregiver neglect include any indicators that the elderly person is not receiving proper care.  Some common signs include weight loss, dehydration, bed sores, unsanitary or unsafe living conditions, and a lack of cleanliness or regular bathing.  If you notice these indicators, you may want to speak with the caregiver to address your concerns.