
Larry Polhill Cafe Valley Takes a Modern Look at Collaborative Management

On the grand scheme of things, the concept of studying management practice and theory is quite new. In fact, it didn’t start until the beginning of the 20th century. The emphasis then was strong on looking at what made enterprises human. While this is still of importance now, experts like Larry Polhill Cafe Valley believe it is no longer enough.

Larry Polhill Cafe Valley on Demands of the 21st Century

Today, people management is no longer solely about understanding people. It is about being collaborative. The director of investors at APFC, for instance, must be able to work together with the president of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), but also with the individual team members of both organizations. Collaboration isn’t just about interpersonal relations or being friendly. That’s been done now. It is about truly working together to improve businesses as a whole, while putting the business first.

Being Part of a Business

The aim should be on achieving results. These results should be measurable, precise, and clear. Employees shouldn’t just be developed in a rewarding environment that supports growth. Rather, it is about acknowledging that one of the greatest resources of a business is its people and that businesses can only achieve real results if its people perform properly.

According to Polhill, this must begin with marketing. This is what gives employees a truly clear focus to work towards, while at the same time understanding what their focus market is. Essentially, people need to know the business that they are in. Only if people understand this, and are committed to it, will they work towards the success of the organization.

Staff selection is, obviously, of huge importance. They have to be the people who perform the way you expect them to. At the same time, this means that you have to have full clarity on what your expectations are. You cannot rush this, but need to properly prepare yourself by analyzing your needs.

Secondly, you have to have the right systems in place. These must be designed to completely avoid failure. Having poor systems means poor performance, which equates to failure. Having good systems in place, however, will motivate people to do better.

What Does the Performance Manager Do?

Performance managers are no longer about staff supervision and holding the hand of the employee while micromanaging them. It is about trusting that you, as a manager, have enabled your employees to do their job properly. If they fail, it is because you failed. It is also about acknowledging their contributions, as this will encourage them to contribute even more. That is the essence of the 21st century manager, but also of the 21st century team. Team building, in a sense, is a thing of the past. Today, it is about team “development” instead. This means there is an emphasis on the interpersonal relationships that exist not between manager and team, but rather between the different members of the team, which the manager is also a part of.